Home ยป Understanding Grid Items and Properties

Understanding Grid Items and Properties

by linweichun8711

Introduction to Grid Items

CSS Grid is a powerful tool for creating complex web layouts with ease. One essential component of CSS Grid is the grid items. In this article, we’ll explore grid items and their properties, helping you better understand how they work and how to use them effectively in your designs.

Grid Item Basics

Grid items are individual elements within a grid container. They can be any HTML element, such as a div, an image, or a paragraph. When an element is placed inside a grid container, it automatically becomes a grid item.

Properties of Grid Items

There are several properties associated with grid items that determine their placement, size, and alignment within the grid container. Let’s take a closer look at these properties and provide code examples for each.

Grid Column Properties

These properties define the placement of grid items along the horizontal axis.


The grid-column-start property defines the starting grid line of the grid item along the horizontal axis. It takes a positive integer value or a named grid line as its value.

.item1 {
  grid-column-start: 1;

In this example, the grid item with the class item1 starts at the first grid line along the horizontal axis.


The grid-column-end property specifies the ending grid line of the grid item along the horizontal axis. Like grid-column-start, it takes a positive integer value or a named grid line as its value.

.item1 {
  grid-column-start: 1;
  grid-column-end: 3;

See the Pen grid-column-start and end by Peter Lin (@peter-lin-the-bold) on CodePen.

Here, the grid item with the class item1 starts at the first grid line and ends at the third grid line, spanning two columns.

Grid Row Properties

These properties determine the placement of grid items along the vertical axis.


The grid-row-start property defines the starting grid line of the grid item along the vertical axis. It takes a positive integer value or a named grid line as its value.

.item2 {
  grid-row-start: 1;

In this example, the grid item with the class item2 starts at the first grid line along the vertical axis.


The grid-row-end property sets the ending grid line of the grid item along the vertical axis. Similar to grid-row-start, it takes a positive integer value or a named grid line as its value.

.item2 {
  grid-row-start: 1;
  grid-row-end: 3;

See the Pen grid-row-start and end by Peter Lin (@peter-lin-the-bold) on CodePen.

Here, the grid item with the class item2 starts at the first grid line and ends at the third grid line, spanning two rows.

Grid Area Properties


The grid-area property is a shorthand property that allows you to define the placement of a grid item using a combination of grid-row-start, grid-column-start, grid-row-end, and grid-column-end values. It takes four values separated by slashes, in the following order: grid-row-start, grid-column-start, grid-row-end, and grid-column-end.

.item3 {
  grid-area: 1 / 1 / 3 / 3;

See the Pen grid-area by Peter Lin (@peter-lin-the-bold) on CodePen.

In this example, the grid item with the class item3 is placed using the grid-area property. It starts at the first grid line along both the horizontal and vertical axes and ends at the third grid line for both axes, spanning two columns and two rows.


  1. What is a grid item in CSS Grid?
    Answer: A grid item is an individual element within a grid container. It can be any HTML element, such as a div, an image, or a paragraph. When an element is placed inside a grid container, it automatically becomes a grid item.
  2. How do you create a grid container?
    Answer: To create a grid container, apply the display: grid; property to an HTML element. All direct child elements of the container will then become grid items.
  3. What are grid lines?
    Answer: Grid lines are the lines that form the structure of the grid. They are numbered starting from 1 and run both horizontally and vertically. Grid items are placed between these lines, defining their position and size within the grid.
  4. How do you control the alignment of grid items?
    Answer: You can control the alignment of grid items using the justify-items property for horizontal alignment and the align-items property for vertical alignment.
  5. What is the grid-auto-flow property?
    Answer: The grid-auto-flow property controls the placement of grid items that don’t have a specified position. It can take values like row, column, or dense to determine how the items are placed within the grid container.


Understanding grid items and their properties is essential for effectively using the CSS Grid layout system. By mastering the different properties and their effects on grid items, you can create complex and responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and devices. Now that you have a better understanding of grid items and their properties, it’s time to experiment and put your newfound knowledge into practice.

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