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Understanding CSS Borders and Border Radius

by linweichun8711

We are going to talk about two important CSS properties that allow you to control the appearance of your elements border and border-radius.

Borders in CSS

The border property in CSS allows you to add a visible line around an element, separating it from other elements on the page. The border can be customized to match your desired look, with options for width, style, and color.

Here is the syntax for the border property:

border: width style color;
  • width: specifies the width of the border, in pixels or any other length unit.
  • style: specifies the style of the border, such as solid, dotted, dashed, double, groove, ridge, inset, or outset.
  • color: specifies the color of the border, using a color name, hexadecimal value, RGB value, or RGBA value.

For example, to create a red, solid border with a width of 2 pixels, you would use the following CSS:

border: 2px solid red;

See the Pen border by Peter Lin (@peter-lin-the-bold) on CodePen.

Border Radius in CSS

The border-radius property allows you to round the corners of an element’s border, creating a more visually appealing look for certain elements such as buttons or images. The border-radius property can be specified in pixels, percentages, or any other length unit. You can also specify separate values for each corner, allowing you to create more complex rounded shapes.

Here is the syntax for the border-radius property:

border-radius: value;

where value specifies the radius of the rounded corners, in pixels or any other length unit.

For example, to create an element with rounded corners that have a radius of 10 pixels, you would use the following CSS:

border-radius: 10px;

You can also specify separate values for each corner, to create more complex rounded shapes. The syntax for specifying separate values for each corner is as follows:

border-top-left-radius: value;
border-top-right-radius: value;
border-bottom-right-radius: value;
border-bottom-left-radius: value;


The border and border-radius properties in CSS are powerful tools that allow you to customize the appearance of your elements and create a consistent and visually appealing look for your web pages. By understanding the syntax and usage of these properties, you can take full control of your web design and create the exact look you desire.

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