Home ยป CSS Animations: A Guide to Keyframes Syntax, Settings, and Examples

CSS Animations: A Guide to Keyframes Syntax, Settings, and Examples

by linweichun8711

Basic Syntax of CSS Animations

CSS animations are a powerful tool for adding visual interest and interactivity to web pages. With a little CSS knowledge, you can create animations that grab the user’s attention and enhance the user experience. Here’s how to get started with CSS animations:

To create a CSS animation, you’ll need to use the @keyframes rule to define the animation and the animation property to apply the animation to an element. Here’s an example:

@keyframes fadeIn {
  from {
    opacity: 0;
  to {
    opacity: 1;

.element {
  animation: fadeIn 1s ease-in-out;

In this example, the @keyframes rule defines an animation called fadeIn that gradually increases the opacity of an element from 0 to 1. The animation property is then used to apply the fadeIn animation to an element with the class element, with a duration of 1 second and easing in and out.

Understanding Animation Settings and Properties

In addition to the animation and @keyframes properties, CSS provides a number of other properties to customize animations. Here are a few examples:

  • animation-timing-function: This property controls the rate at which an animation progresses. The default value is ease, which creates a gradual acceleration and deceleration effect. Other values include linear, ease-in, ease-out, and ease-in-out.
  • animation-iteration-count: This property controls how many times an animation should repeat. The default value is 1, but you can also set it to infinite to create a looping animation.
  • animation-direction: This property controls the direction of an animation. The default value is normal, which plays the animation forwards. Other values include reverse, which plays the animation backwards, and alternate, which plays the animation forwards and backwards in a loop.
animation: animation-name animation-duration animation-iteration-count animation-direction;

Here’s an example of how to use these properties to create a bouncing animation:

@keyframes bounce {
  0% {
    transform: translateY(0);
  50% {
    transform: translateY(-20px);
  100% {
    transform: translateY(0);

.element {
  animation: bounce 1s ease-in-out infinite;

In this example, the bounce animation uses the transform property to move an element up and down. The animation-timing-function property is set to ease-in-out to create a smooth bouncing effect, and the animation-iteration-count property is set to infinite to create a looping animation.

Common Examples of CSS Animations

There are many different types of CSS animations you can create, from fade-ins and slide-ins to rotations and bounces. Here are a few examples:

Fade-in animation:

@keyframes fadeIn {
  from {
    opacity: 0;
  to {
    opacity: 1;

.element {
  animation: fadeIn 1s ease-in-out;

Slide-in animation:

@keyframes slideIn {
  from {
    transform: translateX(-100%);
  to {
    transform: translateX(0);

.element {
  animation: slideIn 1s ease-in-out;

Rotation animation:

@keyframes rotate {
  from {
    transform: rotate(1deg);
  to {
    transform: rotate(360deg);

.element {
  animation: rotate 1s linear infinite;

In this example, the rotate animation rotates an element continuously, using the linear timing function to create a smooth and consistent rotation.

Adding Life and Interactivity to Your Web Pages with CSS Animations

CSS animations are a powerful tool for enhancing the user experience on your web pages. By using basic syntax and a few simple properties, you can create animations that grab the user’s attention and bring your web pages to life. Whether you’re creating a simple fade-in effect or a complex bouncing animation, CSS animations can help you create a more engaging and interactive web experience for your users.

Remember to use best practices for optimizing your animations for performance and accessibility. For example, consider using the will-change property to tell the browser to prepare for an upcoming animation, and make sure to provide alternative text for animated elements for users who may not be able to see the animation.

Now that you have the basics of CSS animations, it’s time to start experimenting and trying out different types of animations on your own web pages. With a little creativity and some CSS know-how, you can create animations that enhance the user experience and make your web pages stand out.

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